Emacs: SSH and sudo using tramp.
Jan 22, 2025Editing a file on a remote host or as another user.
Migration to Weblorg.
Nov 30, 2022I decide to migrate the to a new engine nammed Weblorg.
I fork Peli-Kiera
Nov 11, 2022I fork Peli-Kiera to add some features and colors.
Create a blog entry file.
Nov 10, 2022Howto create a blog entry file using Emacs, org-mode and tempel.
Add a favicon to Peli-Kiera theme.
Nov 09, 2022Peli-Kiera theme do not support favico. How to add one.
Asgardian's blog is back.
Nov 08, 2022The blog is back.
A static blog.
Nov 08, 2022A static blog, why ?